Foodgrade Flexitanks For Edible Oil

Are you into business where you need to transport edible oils? Well in that case you are thoroughly aware of the challenges that come with transportation of edible oils! Some of the major hassles; that come with transportation of edible oil include capacity challenges, quality maintenance, reactivity of liquid and more.

In order to overcome these challenges food grade Flexitanks were introduced in order to transport edible oils. Let’s take a look at what Flexitanks are and how they can help in transportation of edible oils.

What are Flexitanks?

Flexitank is a mass fluid storage compartment whose walls comprise of different layers of polymers. The internal walls are made of adaptable polyethylene while the external walls are made of a more grounded joined material called polypropylene. Flexitanks are the latest iteration developed, which are ideal for storage and transportation of edible oils. Further with the use of Flexitanks it is also possible to transport bulk quantity of edible oils at a single go.

How Flexitanks contribute to Transportation of Edible Oils

There are three classes of advantages that are gained by the usage of Flexitanks, first the storage level advantage, second the quality level advantage and third the economic level advantage. These three advantages make Flexitanks ideal for edible oil transportation. The highlights of each category of advantages are reflected below:

Storage Level Advantage of using Flexitanks for Edible Oils

There are two major storage level advantages of Flexitanks when it comes to food grade liquid they are as follow:

  • Flexitank allows and increased limits from 16,000 to 24,000 liters. This allows organization to produce and store larger volume of edible oil at the same cost allowing gaining from it through higher production.
  • Flexitank allows probability of changing a standard 20-foot dispatching holder to that of a 24- ton edible oil carrier and hence giving an added advantage to transportation beside storage when it comes to edible oil, which in turn helps in saving cost for the organization.
  • Flexitanks are also convenient for storage of edible oil and hence can be used for transportation through cars, trucks or sea.

These three advantages makes Flexitank ideal for storing edible oil. 

Quality Level Advantage of using Flexitanks for Edible Oil

There are many quality level advantages of Flexitanks when it comes to edible oil storage and transportation they are as follow:

Chemical Compatibility

The first thing to consider while selecting Flexitanks for edible oil storage or transportation is the chemical compatibility. The material used in the manufacturing the Flexitanks should not react with the edible oil in it. Usually, PVC or PU coatings are used for storing of edible oil so that it is appropriately compatible and there is chemical reaction between the tank and the edible oil. 

Temperature Control Technicality of Flexitank

Edible oil storage showcases sedimentary products, which usually have a low freezing point, resulting in requirements of heating it for discharge. The incorporated integrated heating system of Flexitank makes it conceivable to warm the edible oil for discharge without the need of additional heating pad. It is because of this reason installation of Flexitank is ideal for edible oil storage, since it allows temperature compatibility with the oil.

Working as barrier for Hydrodynamic Energy

Movement of any liquid in a closed compartment results in development of hydrodynamic energy, which usually takes place because of constant friction within the compartment. However, when it comes to storage of edible oil using Flexitanks, the ability of the Flexitank’s to avoid friction by super conduction process provides flexibility in storage of edible oil without having to worry about development of hydrodynamic energy. It is because of this reason the edible oil stored inside does not create fumes from hydrodynamic energy or through friction, resulting in thorough maintenance of quality. It is because hydrodynamic energy changes the taste and flavor of the edible oil in the compartment.

Flexitanks Eliminate Hydrodynamic Energy

Hydrodynamic energies are of two types one resulting from friction with the container the liquid is stored in, and another based on stagnant energy release pertaining to movement of the container, without the liquid itself moving. It is because of this reason the later often end up releasing hydrodynamic energy during storage and transportation of edible oil. But instead of the energy being able to make a volatile impact on the edible oil stored inside, the Flexitank’s polyethylene internal structure with polypropylene outer structure creates an absorption environment. This results in elimination of stagnant hydrodynamic energy that is created within the tank, which in turn contributes to the maintenance of the quality of edible oil stored inside.

Flexitanks Prevents Cross Contamination

The use of Flexitanks for edible oil storage keeps it same from any kind of cross contamination because these containers are disposable after use. The Flexitanks are used once and discarded off, thereby eliminating the chances of cross contamination which would have not been possible in case of using a regular tank. It is because the regular tanks are reused after cleaning, and hence chances of cross contamination remain. This allows businesses to maintain the quality of the edible oil. 

Flexitanks Eliminates Temperature Fluctuation

Flexitanks are developed from double variant layer of HDPE that ensure holding of a constant temperature within the tanks, without getting affected by the surrounding temperature, which in turn helps in keeping the quality of edible oil inside intact, without getting affected by natural elements. This in turn helps in maintaining the quality of the edible oil.

These advantages makes Flexitank ideal for storing edible oil from the perspective of quality control and maintenance.

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